The best wine (and coffee) for your dog groomer and staff

You guys, there's wine out there with dogs on the labelsSeveral brands, in fact.

We won't lie. We like to have a bit o' wine now and then. But don't you worry; we don't drink and groom. No one is tipsy or toe-up at The Dog Shop during business hours.

We got to talking, though, in the midst of soap and water and dog hair flying about, on what our favorite wine was. What kind of extraordinary list did we come up with?

  • Prefers sweet wines, like moscato.

  • Prefers sweet wines, like moscato.

JulieVirtual Appointment Maker
  • Sadly, about two sips of moscato and then she just wants a tea or Coke Zero.

Let's just pause and give a moment to the true wine connoisseurs who are now crying. Because yes, that is a sad and paltry list. 

But coffee. Now coffee is a different thing.

When the coffee is coming from McDonalds, Brianna won't turn down an iced French vanilla, and Janet may fight you for an iced caramel. If it's Caribou Coffee, Janet will fight you for a blended caramel highrise, and Brianna likes the campfire mocha cooler.

Julie is just sad. She doesn't like coffee. She orders dark hot chocolate and gets a strange look from Caribou staff during the summer months.

"We don't have much time to eat during the day. We're drink people." -- Janet

When the schedule is full, we drink our calories.

What's your favorite wine? Best coffee drink you've ever had? Leave a comment below. We'd love some new recommendations.


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